To get a grasp of the content available from the Austrian Open Data portals ( and we generated two word clouds separately for each of the portals. We retrieved the metadata through the WU’s Open Data Portal Watch API and processed all the dataset titles using wordcloud.
Here is the visualization of the total 2,297 (as of 31 December 2016) dataset titles at :
The 373 titles from the independent Austrian Open Data portal look as follows.
Check out our open source code on GitHub and stay tuned for further updates!
About the project: The CommuniData project aims to bring Open Data closer to local communities, i.e. enhance usability of Open Data and its accessibility for non-expert users. CommuniData is a cooperation between the WU Vienna, the companies cbased and webLyzard, and the Urban Renewal Office of the Vienna’s Second District. It is supported by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG.